Universal PreKindergarten & Transitional Kindergarten

Think Together has been providing high-quality early learning programs for children 0-5 years old since 2008. As California introduces universal pre-kindergarten and universal transitional kindergarten over the next five years, Think Together is poised to be your UPK and UTK partner, with experience delivering award-winning preschool and wrap-around K-12 expanded learning programs.

Transitional Kindergarten Overview

  • Children who will turn five between September 2 and February 2 are now eligible for TK
  • The goal is to expand eligibility to ALL 4 years olds in 2 years (by 2025-26) 
  • LEAs (Local Education Agencies) can leverage their ELO-P funds to provide all-day support to TK students as well as, serve TK students after school and during intersession periods.
  • Think Together uses an age and developmentally appropriate curriculum for TK students 
  • TK is a component of a larger statewide initiative in support of UPK 

Think Together offers the following early learning programs:

  • State Preschool
  • Parent Academies
  • Raise a Reader
  • Learning Link
  • General Child Care and Development
  • Early Literacy and Math Programs

Think Together preschools received 4 or 5 stars from QRIS, the highest ratings possible.

Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK will bring together programs across early learning and K-12, including Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and California State Preschool Program (CSPP), Head Start, community-based organizations (CBOs), and private preschool to ensure every four-year old child has access to quality learning experience the year before kindergarten.

School Partner Inquiry Form

If you are a California local education agency (school districts, charter schools, etc.) inquiring to partner with Think Together or would like more information about our programs please fill out the inquiry form below: