Lights On Afterschool 2023

Think Together’s Annual Lights on Afterschool Virtual Celebration Advocating for Afterschool and Expanded Learning Programs

Lights On Afterschool is a national campaign organized by the Afterschool Alliance to celebrate afterschool programs and their vital role in the lives of students, their families and our communities.

California has long supported afterschool and expanded learning programs, paving the way for universal afterschool and expanded learning programs for all students. We’re “Celebrating Bright Futures Ahead” thanks to California legislators maintaining existing budgets for afterschool and expanded learning programs despite a statewide deficit.

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2023 marks the 25th anniversary of funding for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program.

A study of approximately 3,000 elementary and middle school students found that those who regularly attended high-quality programs for more than two years gained up to 20 percentiles in standardized math test scores.

Help keep the lights on afterschool by advocating for equitable funding and ensuring all kids, from pre-school to high school, have access to expanded learning program opportunities. Together we can change the odds for kids, no matter their background.

Get involved! Sign the petition and call on policy makers and community leaders to ensure the learning continues when school is out. 

Watch our

2023 Lights On Afterschool

with featured participants including students, families, and community leaders.