Lights On Afterschool 2024

Think Together’s Annual Lights on Afterschool Virtual Celebration Advocating for Afterschool and Expanded Learning Programs

Lights On Afterschool is a nationwide event hosted by the Afterschool Alliance that shines a light on afterschool programs and the crucial role they play in the lives of children, families and communities. 

California has long championed the power of afterschool and expanded learning programs, paving the way to a brighter future for millions of students across the state.  

This school year, Think Together encourages students to “Think it. Dream it. Go for Greatness” and we thank Governor Gavin Newsom and the State Legislature for passing on agreeing the 2024-2025 state budget to continue to fund expanding learning programs.

Watch our celebration above of afterschool and expanded learning.

To receive more information about our expanded learning programs, sign up to receive our newsletter. 

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Why Afterschool Programs Matter

A study by the Afterschool Alliance concluded that among students attending a 21st Century Community Learning program like Think Together, 7 in 10 have improved their engagement in learning and have significantly exceeded their school day attendance.  

It is vital that our local education agencies continue to leverage state funds to ensure all kids, from pre-school to high school, can excel in all aspects of life.  

Please contact Think Together’s Director of Partner Experience Bruce Williams at [email protected]
to learn more about Expanded Learning Opportunity Programs (ELO-P).

Together we can make dreams come true and continue to help kids achieve greatness.

Celebrating Bright Futures Ahead

Shining a Light for 25 Years

Think Together Lights the Way

Rising to the Moment