Together We…Go the Extra Mile
Seventeen years at Think Together has helped Humberto Quintana fulfill his passion for education while giving him the tools to help lead students on their journeys. His dedication is always on display at every field position and region where he has worked, and he is known for going the extra mile. Join us as we learn more about Humberto.
What is your Think Together “why?” What inspired you to work at Think Together and what continues to inspire your work here.
Growing up, I never had the opportunity to participate in afterschool programs. My Think Together why is that now, as an adult, I really enjoy being able to provide a place for kids to safely participate in various learning activities. I started my career with Think Together as a Program Leader and was new to working with students, but I soon realized that they were the reason my job didn’t feel like work. I really enjoy participating in afterschool programs, delivering lessons, playing different sports and being able to connect with kids. I am blessed and grateful that my passion for helping students and my dedication for what Think Together stands for is still strong after 17 years.
If you could go back 17 years ago on your first day, what advice would you give yourself? Why?
I would advise myself to stay a Program Leader a little longer. I truly enjoyed being in the classroom and making strong connections. I always looked forward to showing students science experiments, learning math games and exploring different club activities.
Is there a student story that has stuck with you?
During my time as a Site Coordinator (now Site Program Manager) at Franklin Elementary in Redlands, I enrolled a student that had just moved from Mexico two weeks prior and faced many challenges with language barriers, communicating with others and making friends. I can relate to what this student was experiencing so I selected a group of students to create a “Welcome Committee” to support new student orientation and provide a warm environment for all students and visitors. From this experience I learned more about social emotional learning and how to better support student needs.
You have held many different positions at Think Together over the years. Which one was your favorite and why?
I learned to love the Site Coordinator position the most. As a Program Leader, I really enjoyed being in the classroom with the students. But as a Site Coordinator, it was rewarding to be able to plan a program and work with other leaders on the best way to provide safe and quality programs to our students. I feel that as a Site Coordinator I could share my knowledge and have a direct impact on what program we deliver to students.
What is a mantra, affirmation, or quote that has helped you over the years? Why?
“The only victory that counts is the one over yourself.” – Lionel Messi
I strive to be better than my previous self every day. Conquering my own imperfections can bring more success to my personal life, so I try to be better than myself for others. I continue to work on loving myself to love others better.
What do you wish more people knew about working with students in the education field?
I wish they knew that working with students can be challenging at times and that the reward is greater than the struggle. I believe that you must enjoy what you do so it won’t feel like work and helping students with their struggles, to see them succeed, is the highest reward.
Outside of work, what do you do for fun?
Outside of work I enjoy coaching a boys youth soccer academy and traveling with the team to competitions. I also play soccer in a league and with my family. I have fun being outdoors, going to sporting events, camping, snowboarding and the beach. I also like to watch comedy movies and shows.