Celebrating a Legacy of Giving and Joy at Shalimar

As Think Together prepares to close the chapter on Shalimar at the end of 2024, we celebrate not an ending, but the fulfillment of a mission. We want to thank the generous organizations and partners that have supported our Shalimar community since it opened its doors 30 years ago.

Organizations such as the National Charity League (NCL), You Run This Town OC (YRTTOC), MVE+Partners and AO Architects brought holiday magic one last time this year to our Shalimar families with many events.

Read more about the holiday celebrations hosted for our Shalimar community this year below.

National Charity League Holiday Donation Drive and Thrift Party

For over 10 years, Think Together’s Shalimar Learning Center has partnered with the National Charity League Newport Chapter to host a Thanksgiving donation drive as well as a holiday party at their Ticktocker Thrift Shop.

For the Thanksgiving drive, Shalimar families received Thanksgiving staples, including side dishes, pies, a $40 gift card for a turkey, and a warm blanket for the chilly season!

Students from the teen center also organized a book drive, where families could select and take home books.

“I’m a Shalimar student leader, so I get to help plan and prepare the holiday events, which is very fun because I can see other families in the community participate. Shalimar has been like a second home to me. It has brought me more friends, mentors, and academic guidance,” shared high school student Sayuri.

At the NCL’s annual holiday thrifting party a couple of weeks later, students enjoyed a shopping spree where they picked out an item to gift to a family member or friend. They played games and had some sweet fun decorating their own sugar cookies. The NCL volunteers also gave students other trinkets to take home.

You Run This Town OC Christmas Tree Giveaway and Tamales with Santa

You Run This Town OC (YRTTOC) has once again brought the holiday cheer to the Shalimar community with their Christmas tree donation event.

This year, YRTTOC donated 30 Christmas trees to the families of Shalimar. Throughout the partnership, they have supported Shalimar teens with college and career readiness through life skills workshops on resume building and financial literacy.

Santa Claus was also there to take photos with Shalimar families while Shalimar’s Parent Advisory Committee handed out delicious tamales and hot chocolate for all to enjoy. A week later, YRTTOC also delivered some presents to Shalimar students!

“Every year we have been glad to be a part of this organization that doesn’t only fulfill us, it fulfills the community, and we do what we can to help,” said Founder and Board Chairman of YRTTOC Fred Noya. “The partnership and collaboration between Shalimar and You Run This Town Orange County has been phenomenal.”

Gifts, Games, and Community Spirit with Partners

Shalimar students ended the joyful season and the last day of program with a holiday party where they played games, signed their yearbook and received gifts from MVE+Partners, AO Architects, volunteer Ahmed Parekh, and Friend of Shalimar Committee member Khary Espy.

Think Together Shalimar alumnus Paolo Leon, who is a partner at AO Architects and a Think Together board member has spearheaded a majority of the gift donation drive throughout the years.

“Think Together has had a tremendous impact on me. It’s altered the course of my life for the better and I know my family and my children will be better off because of my involvement with Think Together,” Paolo said. “I am personally invested in making sure that the same opportunities are available to more kids like me.”

Shalimar’s light now shines across California in every school where a child’s dreams are nurtured in every community and is a reminder that big change starts small—with community, collaboration, and a shared vision for a brighter future.