Expanding Opportunities with the Pacific Life Foundation

Think Together thanks longtime corporate foundation partner, the Pacific Life Foundation, for their continuous support of our mission over the past 20 years. To date, the Pacific Life Foundation has provided more than $500,000 to help change the odds for kids.

This past year, the Pacific Life Foundation partnered with Think Together to execute seven employee engagement volunteer events that resulted in 9,000 student kits built for Think Together students across the state. Through these volunteer events, Think Together was able to create and implement new engaging curriculum with students throughout the school year.

Our first kit building project of 2023 was held in February, where approximately 100 Pacific Life volunteers assembled more than 400 literacy kits at their Underwriters Conference. Each kit included a fly swatter literacy game with flashcards to teach students sight words. Compton Unified School District elementary students were given the kits, along with letters of encouragement created by each volunteer.

The Pacific Life Foundation also hosted a volunteer event during their Summer Sales Conference with nearly 200 employees assembling 4,000 STEM kits for Think Together students in grades third through sixth. At the conference, Pacific Life Executive Vice President and past Think Together board member Dawn Behnke, shared with attendees the personal impact volunteering and community engagement have made on her career over the years.

“We always look for opportunities to give back to the communities where our employees live and work,” shared Dawn. “Pacific Life is pleased to support Think Together’s mission through these service projects.”

Along with Tere Segarra, Vice President of the Pacific Life Foundation, Dawn presented Think Together a $12,500 check to support building kits for student education.

Later in the summer, at Pacific Life’s Actuarial Conference, 600 STEM kits were constructed assembly line style by 200 volunteers. Think Together students in third through sixth grade benefited from the kits along with a $7,500 donation.

During the Pacific Life Foundation’s Week of Service, 200 volunteers built more than 3,000 classroom kits that included art and math supplies, providing material and curriculum for 75,000 students across the state. In addition, another $31,000 was donated to Think Together to support the effort.

Think Together is proud of our longstanding partnership with the Pacific Life Foundation and grateful to the Pacific Life employees who volunteered to provide the students we serve with supplies needed to facilitate expanded learning. If interested in collaborating with Think Together for corporate volunteering, please contact our development team at [email protected].  

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